AN ITALIAN IN NEW YORK -Leo Castelli and pop art.
This article tells about Leo Castelli
and Pop Art.
If New York is the world capital of art, then it probably owes this to one man: Leo Casteli. Castelli, an Italian who reached New York by way of Paris and opened the first art gallery. In 2007 was the centenary of his birthday. For this Alan Jones has written a biography of Leo Castelli and he said:" Leo Castelli come to America in that great flood of migration, of refugees, during World War or before World War Two. He was born in Trieste and he going from Trieste to Romania and opening his first gallery. Leo Castelli who was truly the man who discovered pop art." In actual fact pop art was only one of the movements discovered by Castelli. Others include Abstract Expressionism, Op Art, Minimal Art and Conceptual Art. Castelli was to die in 1999, a few weeks before is 92nd birthday. Alan Jones said:" Leo Castelli was one extremely elegant man, and he was very formal, very lucid, he spoke beautiful English. He was representing all of these crazy this impeccable Triestine doing rather from the 1903s and so elegant and so attentive and puntual. A mwen who was a great lover of beauty, not only in art, but also in beautiful young women." Also Gillo Dorfles has said:" Leo Castelli was a truly elegant man, almost too well-dressed."
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